Grants New Vision Implementation Grants Grants totaling $1.5 million have been awarded to 10 Ohio College Tech Prep Consortia to foster program innovation and transformation. Consortia receiving grants include: Clark State, Greater Cincinnati, Kent, Mahoning Area, Miami Valley, North Central, North Coast Stark County and Akron, West Central Ohio and Workforce Development Council. Grants and business funding have bee provided for and made possible by small business advance funders like Fast Merchant Advance, 1st Global Capital and MSG Merchant Solution Group.
Full project overviews Health Careers This model expands the College Tech Prep focus to include transitioning students from adult education programs and secondary health programs to postsecondary-level health programs. The project targets low-wage, under-employed, unemployed adults and secondary students at risk of not continuing their education. Innovative features include extending the College Tech Prep curriculum, articulation and scholarship opportunities to all students (adult and secondary) through a modified pathway with multiple entrance/exit points and self-paced academic components, including the use of PLATO. New partnerships between adult education, secondary education and community college faculty will be formed.
Bioscience Research and Medical Careers
This regional College Tech Prep delivery
model targets under-represented and under-served students of the Greater
Cincinnati area to increase access to postsecondary programs in bioscience
research and medical careers. Innovative features include a 2+2+3
pathway delivery model that will allow students to transition with
advanced standing and/or credits to one of five colleges in southwestern
Ohio. A guided resource system will offer students and parents a network
of peer support activities and comprehensive information focused on
college expectations, requirements and available resources. Students and
instructors will engage in work-based cooperative education opportunities
provided by grant partners. Nursing Careers This nursing career program targets health program students from area career-technical schools, unemployed workers, low-wage incumbent workers in health-care settings, as well as others with economic and educational needs. Innovative features include bringing together two successful national models to prepare disadvantaged students for the rigors of nursing education. Bridges Out of Poverty training will be provided for both instructors and students. Students will participate in a weekly-facilitated group setting. Students will also participate in Supplemental Instruction sessions linked to individual coursework that provides structured peer support and intensive instruction and application of study strategies. Multiple entry points and learning paths designed for individual success will be developed relevant to student assessment data.
Mahoning Area Tech Prep Consortium Academic Preparation This program targets urban students in grades seven-10 for enhanced academic preparation with the goal of qualifying and retaining this population within College Tech Prep pathways. Innovative features include grade compatible project-based learning activities such as Lego Robolabs® and implementing counseling and educational support systems designed to impact the student learning and social development. The program focuses on developing a pipeline to College Tech Prep pathways in biotechnology, information technology, engineering and health technologies. Middle school, high school and university faculty will align curriculum and current College Tech Prep students to mentor prospective students toward achievement in requisite math and science skills.
Career Guidance
The project will focus on closing the career guidance gap of ninth graders
from nine area schools in the urban and suburban Miami Valley and improve
outcomes on the Ohio Graduation Test English language arts competencies.
Innovative features include a series of web-based career-related
activities to be delivered in the ninth grade English class. These
activities, developed with English teachers, career guidance professionals
and curriculum specialists, will focus on the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT)
and English language arts standards of research, reading application and
writing applications. Engineering The College-NOW Engineering Academy targets underrepresented and nontraditional secondary students for a concurrent and integrated program that will result in high school graduation and an associate degree upon completion. It will provide a comprehensive series of courses to junior and seniors in North Central Ohio. Innovative features include having business and industry partners participate in curriculum and learning experience development. They will also provide highly paid, closely mentored and comprehensive internship experiences across their respective industries. Curriculum will be developed and implemented as an integrated part of a Problem-Based Case Study experience.
Integration and Transition Several transformational models will intersect in this project targeted to urban eighth and ninth graders as well as suburban junior and senior students near Cleveland. The program will focus on the delivery of biotechnology, engineering technology and health pathways to build technical, science and math skills for 21st century careers. Distance learning, dual credit programs and contextual, project-based learning curricula are an example of the innovative features embedded into the project design.
Student Achievement Making Achievement a Priority (MAP) is a middle school intervention program designed to introduce College Tech Prep to middle school students and their parents in urban centers of Akron and Canton. Innovative features include involving parents through meetings, mailings and panel discussions to help guide their students in decision making. Middle school counselors and teachers in eight pilot schools will receive training and support for developing teaching strategies in math, science and language arts to at-risk students. Students will be partner with current College Tech Prep students for mentoring and transition support activities. After-school programs will include exploration of Third Frontier pathways, academic tutoring, hands-on activities in College Tech Prep program labs and visits to college campuses, businesses and community agencies.
Engineering and Emerging Technologies This program targets economically disadvantaged students in grades eight-12 from rural Northwest Ohio for enrollment in engineering and emerging technologies pathways. Innovative features include the pairing of two instructional models, one from education and the other from business and industry. Project Lead The Way (PLTW) and the Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies (PAS) program will deliver engineering curriculum cross- walked to national standards as well as to the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT). The curricula will be enhanced through technology camps offered to area eighth graders and a project-based Jaguar design challenge for high school students. . Workforce Development Council Engineering and Emerging Technologies This engineering/emerging technologies model targets students, grades five through 12, in six rural counties in Northwest Ohio with particular emphasis directed toward women and minorities. Program components include the seamless delivery of secondary and postsecondary academic/technical education and career awareness activities to introduce younger students to the academic and technical preparation needed for careers in engineering. Innovative features include the implementation of age-specific academic enhancement programs such as Project REACH, summer technology camps and other project-based learning opportunities including LEGO Mindstorms, Fischertechnik models and robotic competitions. |
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