Developing a
Pathway / Local Design
Ohio College
Tech Prep Curriculum Services coordinates Technical Competency Profile
(TCP) development. Consortia translate the TCP into useful, targeted
local or regional pathways. The process has three steps:
1. Complete College Tech Prep pathway application
There are two types of program applications:
College Tech Prep Program Application for Pathways New to a Consortium
College Tech Prep Site Expansion Program Application.
Program expansion applications are used
only to add additional sites to an established consortium pathway.
A program application must be
submitted for a pathway introduced for
the first time in a consortium, even if it is offered elsewhere
in the state.
Applications for new programs must
document intent to offer including:
secondary and post-secondary partners
rationale for offering the pathway
labor market and student needs assessment
pathway documents
assurances from partners
Final Program Approval must be completed
and submitted the spring before the first program begins. The
online application includes secondary and post secondary pathway
documents as well as essential elements of the articulation agreement.
2. Conduct local TCP
Each region or consortium locally validates TCPs created at the
state level. Business, high school and college partners compare TCP
competencies to local needs and begin dialogue related to pathway
3. Create a seamless
High school and college educators collaborate to build seamless
transition to higher education through non-duplicative sequence of courses
Crosswalking competencies to existing courses to create a
curriculum map which eliminates gaps and overlaps. Crosswalking supports
long-term planning and identifies potential integration between academic
and career-technical courses.
- Developing a
high school to college
pathway document that translates
competencies into course titles. The pathway document is a
required two-page document that details the relationship between TCP
competencies and coursework from grades 9 through 14. The document
curriculum map
College Tech Prep academic entrance
supplemental criteria
articulated credits
recommended requirements for transition to
college program of study with advanced
- Defining
articulation agreements
which formalize the transition from consortium/ regional secondary
programs to related programs at the community college level. These
agreements detail a clear-cut commitment to transfer a student’s high
school College Tech Prep work into college credit, advanced placement or
additional benefits.