Educators : Licensure & Certification

Licensure & certification

Ohio College Tech Prep teachers are licensed career-technical educators. The most effective College Tech Prep teachers demonstrate technical skill mastery, industry expertise and outstanding classroom management skills. 

Ohio’s Teacher Education and Licensure standards outline two main routes to obtaining career-technical education teacher licensure:

  • Baccalaureate Route
    Prior to teaching, the individual successfully completes a career-technical teacher preparation program at an Ohio college or university that has been approved to offer the program.
  • Work Experience Route
    An individual who demonstrates appropriate work experience in a career-technical program area can be employed. The teacher must then complete a 24-semester hour teacher preparation program focused on building pedagogical skills.

An individual who holds a valid Ohio teacher license may also be able to obtain a career-technical education teacher certification in specific College Tech Prep program. For example, a teacher who holds a license in math or science may be able to obtain career-technical certification in information technology, interactive media, biotechnology or Project Lead the Way. The teacher must demonstrate knowledge of the content area through coursework or work experience.

For detailed information on any of these licensure paths, refer to the Ohio Department of Education Licensure and Certification Guide.


Ohio Teacher Licensure Standard
Technical Competency Profile

Licensure - Panel of Experts

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