Partners : Advisory Council Bylaws

Ohio College Tech Prep Advisory Council By-laws

College Tech Prep, a partnership among business, industry, labor, secondary and higher education, is a primary strategy for systemic educational change in Ohio that prepares students for high technology based careers demanded by the increasingly competitive global economic community. The State of Ohio does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services.

The State College Tech Prep Advisory Council serves an advisory role to the Ohio Board of Regents and Ohio Department of Education as a forum for the planning and maintenance of the College Tech Prep initiative. The Council advises the joint sponsors College Tech Prep, the Ohio Board of Regents and Ohio Department of Education.

The Council shall:

  • Advise College Tech Prep staff on matters pertaining to Tech Prep policy and planning. Assist in the evaluation of College Tech Prep.
  • Ensure that the vision of College Tech Prep is being addressed appropriately, and goals being achieved.
  • Assist with the development of College Tech Prep program criteria and resource allocation.
  • Promote College Tech Prep.


Section 1. Members
There shall be a minimum of 24 members and a liaison to the governor serving on the State College Tech Prep Advisory Council. Selection of Advisory Council members is under the overall direction of the Ohio Department of Education, Office of Career-Technical and Adult Education, and the Ohio Board of Regents, who make recommendations to the Council. Council members will represent the College Tech Prep mission and will be reviewed periodically and adjusted to reflect business, industry, labor, government, Consortia Coordinators, and education membership.

Section 2. Length of Term and Attendance
Length of terms will vary from one to three years depending on the position represented by the appointment. At the expiration of the term, members may be requested to serve an additional term.

b) Upon accepting an appointment to the council, new members will be expected to attend a simple majority of all regularly scheduled and special meetings convened. He/she will be so notified in writing at the time of said appointment. If requested, his/her direct supervisor may also be notified. Council attendance will be reviewed annually. Should a member's attendance drop below the simple majority required (51%) of the meetings held during the past year, August through June of a given academic year) the co-chair(s) will notify said member that he/she is no longer on the council. The College Tech Prep staff will seek a replacement member will be rotated in to finish the remainder of that term.

Section 3. Regular Meetings
The Council will meet at least three times during the year. Meeting dates will be established for the year. Agendas for the meetings will be prepared by the appointed officers assisted by the staff of OBR and ODE assigned to the Council.

Section 4. Special Meetings
A special meeting may be called by a majority of members, co-chairs, or the Ohio Board of Regents and Ohio Department of Education staff and shall be held at such time and place as is set forth in the notice of the special meeting.

Section 5. Consensus/Voting
For purposes of transacting business, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the number of the whole Council. The Council shall operate by reaching consensus of members. If consensus is not reached among members, then votes of a majority of the members present shall carry the item.

Section 6. Minutes
Minutes of each Council meeting will be the responsibility of a state-level staff member and distributed to all Council members.


Section 1. Officers
The officers of the State College Tech Prep Advisory Council shall be the co-chairpersons appointed by the Ohio Board of Regents and Ohio Department of Education. The co-chairpersons will consist of one representative from business and one representative from education. The education co-chair shall rotate on a yearly basis between representatives of secondary and post-secondary education.

Committees will be formed and will function to reflect the goals and strategies developed in the Strategic Action Plan for College Tech Prep. Committees shall be assigned a staff person.

These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members of the State College Tech Prep Advisory Council.

Revised 6/24/02



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